Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Rebbe--Moshiach?

This is a very interesting forum thread from www.frumteens.com. It discussed the point of the "is the Rebbe the Moshiach or not" issue that I was wondering about. Not if he was or not, but if all from Chabad actually believe it or not. From what I can gather.. I'm still reading, not all believe this to be true--in fact not many. Hopefully this is so, since I go to a Chabad house shul and spend much time with the Rabbi ,Rebbetzin and family. They are very nice.


Anonymous said...

"Hopefully this is so, since I go to a Chabad house shul and spend much time with the Rabbi ,Rebbetzin and family. They are very nice."

I fail to understand the contradiction with the Rabbi at your Chabad house being nice, and Lubavitchers thinking Rebbe's Moshiach?

also, are you by any chance a product of Aish?

F said...

Hello im-sick-of-word-verification,

I appreciate your comment.

I have come to trust the local R&R and have begun to respect their opinion on theological questions... so (since I would never accept that there is any dead messiah) that would mean I could not as simply trust the logic of their theological explanations if they adhered to this belief.

What is "a product of Aish?"