Thursday, April 26, 2007

A new post

So, after not having posted in a while, there are many thoughts bouncing around in my head:
1. A blog is sort of like the ultimate diary that you wished someone would read and give you feedback on, but it always seemed too personal to show your loved ones
2. I have been resolving the male/female role issue by taking the responsibility for the traditional female role--and found that I didn't like it when my husband was taking over for me on the days I got too tired to make dinner. That's wierd. Not that his helping was unwelcome--but I didn't like him feeling the need to "make-up" for my laziness.
I guess there is a big difference from me doing all I can, and then designating "tasks" for those in the family to do their share in housework, and me just getting lazy sometimes and letting other people do things--in that case, if I get mad about someone in the family not doing something, I am in the wrong because I have not done all of my share. Good. Glad to figure that one out.
3. My hubby and my communication has gotten much better due to our acceptance of our Male/Female roles. I'd like to talk to our Rabbi about this issue for more clarity, since it seems to be working out so well. By the way, My hubby refers to him as "our Rabbi" now, so that is a big step in us both being on the same page in our religious viewpoint on our little family.


Jacob Da Jew said...

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Male/Female" but it is definitely important to have clearly delineated roles in the house.

e.g. I clean , Da wife cooks. She handles all bills etc.

F said...

Thanks for the input. I am still confused myself on this whole issue. Some days it seems that everything's working out fine--and some days I just get lazy and don't want to do anything... Delineated roles is good. We haven't delineated ours yet (married 7 years though)!! And it's been even harder these past few weeks with him at home from a work injury. I end up feeling guilty of the lack of what I do after work--then angry if he lets the kids mess things up too much while I'm out. Ah well, we all have our learning areas in this life...