Thursday, April 5, 2007

I was having such epiphanies in the car this morning on the way to work. Of course I've forgotten them all now. The more I try to "be observant" the more satisfying it is--but at the same time I don't want to go too far so that I feel like I've failed if I decrease the mitzvot I am doing.

I emailed the website to ask about covering my hair, since I'm not married officially by Halacha, and they replied that if I was already donig it I should continue...but since I had already stopped by the time I emailed--I decided not to.

Actually, I am feeling more and more comfortable with my/our level of observance in our home.

I spend a lot of our free time with kids in Jewish educational type activities (i.e. if we watch a movie, it might be on the topic--if we read a storybook, it is often a Jewish kids book, etc).
I say brachas often, and we celebrate the Sabbath, although not doing everything correctly, we do have dinner/candle lighting/kiddush etc and try to spend Saturdays in family activity including going to Shul, visiting the Rabbi's house, etc...

That's my update for now. Till next time...

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