Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sin of Idolatry

You know, I think of idolatry as a sin not in as a "wrongdoing," but maybe more as having a mistaken understanding of the way things work.
I think of it as Hash-m is an ultimate power, and all else is of lesser strength--so when we grasp at a straw, or a string or even a rope, it is never as strong as our trusting above all in Hash-m, and when we grasp at something lesser, it always has the possibility of breaking.

That is the freedom and correctness of not being "idolotrous" in any way.

We idolize our relationships (oh, if only he/she liked me)
We idolize material things (if I had this car/house/etc I could be happy and at peace)

All this can be taken away. Only inner peace survives--and inner peace exists when we are in concurrence with Hash-m's rules of operation. I don't pretend to understand all of the rules yet, most likely not ever, but I do feel that searching for them and acting upon them is the surest way to true joy.


Miriam said...

nice blog! I like your take on idolatry.

F said...

Thank you!